What’s New in Contemplative Pedagogy: ACHME Member Newsletter
Posted from: ACHME Member Newsletter
Posted: January 18, 2013
Caroline T. Haskell and Ann Todd Jealous are publishing Combined Destinies: Whites Sharing Grief about Racism, due out in February 2013. Caroline and Ann collaborated to facilitate the beginning of a conversation that encourages self-examination and compassion to look at how white Americans have been hurt by the very ideology that their ancestors created.
This courageous anthology of over 50 white writers posits that unearned privilege has damaged the psyche of white people as well as their capacity to understand racism. Using intimate stories, some from writers who have never before spoken of these highly charged issues, Jealous and Haskell offer readers a chance to explore their own experiences. The book is organized thematically, with individual chapters that focus on, for example, guilt, shame, or silence. Anyone who is interested in mental health and spiritual healing would benefit from reading this book, but it’s especially suitable for teachers, professors, students, social activists, members of community groups, therapists, clergy, and other members of the counseling profession.
Website: www.combineddestinies.com
Thank you for promoting this issue. This is what the US needs to focus on more and more so that we all resolve our problem as a whole and people stop looking at it as a outside problem. We all are effected. It is hard for most people to see this issue though. I hope this book will bring some light. God bless everyone involved in this movement.